

Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa, MEXICO:

Our Christmas and New Years 2005 was with Yen's niece and friends while in Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa.  It was a nice holiday time in two beautiful Mexican resorts and lots of playing in the water and a little night life in town.  



Blue Crush at her best trying the art of surfing in flat seas and on a soft surfboard  .....




Then it was a great fish lunch on the beach.


A Christmas potluck with fellow cruisers some we will meet further south.

And then a Christmas Dinner in a Ixtapa hotel right on the beach, what a time     

We rented a "car??" and was off to Mexico City for New Years   

Viewing some ancient ruins with Teotihuacan temples of the Moon and Sun           

On to Taxco for a little exploring and shopping       

From Zihuatanejo we departed on January 4th for Huatulco with one stop in Acapulco.  It was a great crossing as we were buddy boating with Bruce and Bobby on Music.  They were fun sailors to travel with and we ventured on to Oaxaca with them.