


We finally completed our 5100 nm (about 5800 land miles) of sailing and navigating from the west coast to the east coast of the US as we arrived in Key West, Florida.  It only required four years to cover that distance. 

Key West is a total tourist attraction kind of town and in addition there appear to be over a 1000 boats in marinas, at anchor or on mooring balls.  All the snow birds are here hiding from the winter storms.  For us, returning the boat to the US is very nice as now when we need small replacement parts or items for the boat we just go to any store and purchase it.  What a change from jerry-rigging everything due to unavailability of the correct parts.  Also rather then buying provisions when we see them on the selves now we just go to the market and it is always there and always the same.  What a novel idea for a consumer.  Anyway, Key West is delightful as walking around Duval and Front St.  is a real kick to check the shops, the people and unusual sites.

The evening view from Moonlight is excellent when we are on the boat.Everyone is just hanging out chilling away in Key West.Shopping is endless tourism related.Key West architecture offers great viewing along with greater prices if you are in the buying market.  Duvall & Front intersection starts the downtown location area.A walk on the promenade is the setting to view the famous Key West sunset and observing all the boating activity.Of course, someone has to make a living entertaining tourists on the promenade.

Len & Norma came for a visit and we walked to the bottom of the US.