From Huatulco in southern Mexico, we
sailed to Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador and Puesta Del Sol, Nicaragua.
Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador has a
challenging sand bar that must be crossed to enter into the estuary. The
estuary goes on for about 10 miles with many local services and activities for
entertainment. The sand bar crossing is a test of the nerves and puts the boat at risk for damage but
once in calm waters it was our first exposure to a true jungle setting. It
is not worth the risk from our opinion but after 450 miles of ocean crossing and
the Tehuantepec it was a welcome stop for a week.
local canoes are carved from fallen trees and hollowed out to make the family
boat usable. Dinners at The Gallery were a treat and running on the
beach in Central America was totally cool.
Puesta Del Sol,
Nicaragua was a great marina to stop in - a little pricey but great amenities.
Our activity each day was to
run on the beach then go for a swim in the pool next to the ocean then hang out with fellow
cruisers and watch
the sugar cane fields burn - hey we are cruisers and everything is fascinating. Provisioning was a 15 mile ride in a
marina bus to Chinandega and back. This marina was comfortable but it
required two months to clean all the ash from the boat after the exposure to the
sugar cane fields burning.
Just when you think you have a fast boat a 75 ft. ketch flies by while we sail southeast along the Nicaragua shore line.
The route to the Gulfo de Papagayo was our first exposure to winds in excess of 45 knots while under
way. Not a problem as in our previous life when we had 25 knots we closed up the boat and
put on life jackets and once up to 35 knots we were checking if the EPIRB was ready for deployment. Now 45 knots are a drop in the bucket and Moonlight
enjoys the potential sleigh ride as we sit back and hang on for the wild roller
course we are never short of maintenance on that tiny
boat down there and going up the mast was one of the necessary items to keep the
Buick of the Sea in working order.